Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition of Salon
Definition of Salon Salon, derived from the French word salon (a living room or parlor), means a conversational gathering. Usually, this is a select group of intellectuals, artists, and politicians who meet in the private residence of a socially influential (and often wealthy) person. Pronunciation: sal ·on The Gertrude Stein Numerous wealthy women have presided over salons in France and England since the 17th century. The American novelist and playwright Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) was known for her salon at 27 rue de Fleurus in Paris, where Picasso, Matisse, and other creative people would meet to discuss art, literature, politics and, no doubt, themselves. (noun) - Alternately, the Salon (always with a capital S) was the official art exhibition sponsored by the Acadà ©mie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. The Acadà ©mie was begun by Cardinal Mazarin in 1648 under the royal patronage of Louis XIV. The royal Acadà ©mie exhibition took place in the Salon dApollon in the Louvre in 1667 and was meant for only members of the Academy. In 1737 the exhibition was opened to the public and held annually, then biannually (during odd years). In 1748, a jury system was introduced. The jurors were members of the Academy and previous winners of Salon medals. The French Revolution After the French Revolution in 1789, the exhibition was opened to all French artists and became an annual event again. In 1849, medals were introduced. In 1863, the Academy exhibited the rejected artists in the Salon des Refusà ©s, which took place in a separate venue. Similar to our annual Academy Awards for Motion Pictures, the artists who made the cut for that years Salon counted on this affirmation by their peers to advance their careers. There was no other way to become a successful artist in France until the Impressionists courageously organized their own exhibition outside the authority of the Salon system. Salon art, or academic art, refers to the official style that the juries for the official Salon deemed acceptable. During the 19th century, the prevailing taste favored the finished surface inspired by Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), a Neoclassical painter. In 1881, the French government withdrew its sponsorship and Socià ©tà © des Artistes Franà §ais took over the administration of the exhibition. These artists had been elected by artists who had already participated in the previous Salons. Therefore, the Salon continued to represent the established taste in France and resist the avant-garde. In 1889, the Socià ©tà © Nationale des Beaux-Arts broke away from the Artistes Franà §ais and founded their own salon. Here Are Other Breakaway Salons Salon des Aquarellistes (Watercolorists Salon), begun 1878Salon de lUnion des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs (Women Painters and Sculptors Union Salon), begun 1881Salon des Indà ©pendants, begun 1884Salon des Graveurs (Printmakers Salon), begun 1900Salon dautomne (Fall Salon), begun 1903Salon de lÉcole Franà §aise (French School Salon), begun 1903Salon dHiver (Winter Salon), founded in 1897, first exhibition 1904Salon des Arts Dà ©coratifs, begun 1905Salon de la Comà ©die Humaine, begun 1906Salon des Humeuristes begun 1908
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