Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to William and Mary Essay Samples and What You Must Do Different
What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to William and Mary Essay Samples and What You Must Do Different William and Mary Essay Samples Ideas I believe we just loved the way that they were so likeable. The show starts in 1 hour. Another instance is use a towel, instead of paper towels. The biggest thing we can do in order to help endangered animals is to manage our world. It is essential for every believer to understand what their spiritual gift is. His gift enables him to take a challenging idea and break it down so it's simple to grasp. Knowing your gift is only the start. Definitions of William and Mary Essay Samples William Shakespeare does not have any evidence which he was eligible to compose his plays. Mary Sue realizes that the folks of Pleasantville have plenty of potential, however they don't realize it yet. She was frightened at the appearance of the angel. George is more concerned regarding the simple fact that his dinner isn't ready than he is about the simple fact that his wife isn't there. Society, generally speaking, became prudish in respect to sex. The United States of america is a freakish outlier in regards to our incarceration prices. William and Mary Essay Samples Options If so, then you've probably found your school. The school is just one of the most selective public universities in the nation. When it has to do w ith public universities, they're likely to apply to other top-ranked schools like the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech. University of Virginia is among the most popular and respected public universities in the United States, so much so it's regarded among the Public Ivy League Universities. The prompt is about the things which make you stand out and there is not any way a bare minimum application is likely to stand out to admissions. You can't listen to music that doesn't harken back to your very own social experience. The particular questions and topics you're permitted to write about will differ based on which colleges you're applying to, and in most instances, you'll have multiple choices to select from. So students have to be alert to that and must take it in a suitable spirit. Life, Death, and William and Mary Essay Samples You have to be able to comprehend and determine all kinds of figurative language. A lousy mood can cause you to lash out or stray from your preferred direction equally as easily as a fantastic mood can cause you to be overconfident and impulsive. You could possibly be requested to demonstrate the way the figurative language contributed to the tone. Even by reading the word or hearing the term perseverance, will offer you energy and packs a potent punch. You cannot imagine the level of disparity between both. You use meiosis once you intentionally understate someone or the state of an individual or a function. This view is called the two-source hypothesis. Same is true with nature when nature changes it is similar to a stunning dancer. William and Mary Essay Samples Explained The distinction is that they understand that life's challenging moments offer you valuable lessons. It's a pure desire for her to provide help. Meiosis is utilized to belittle an individual or a scenario. The chance of loss is more than offset by the potential for a massive gain. Exhaustion becomes a lifestyle. Understanding it's manifestations and the way to utilize it requires insight and discernment. Alienation is the reason for the Creature's unhappiness. William and Mary Essay Samples - Overview I have to get this operation. His works, for instance, have withstood all sorts of criticisms for the previous 400 years to stay equally as powerful since they were at the time they were written. You're able to get started building your application portfolio at any moment. Things You Should Know About William and Mary Essay Samples The initial 2 FRQ's also supply you with a passage and request that you write about that topic. Treat every section as though it matters. If you're already a musician, you may discover this next section boring. Yes, there's somebody who can assist you with your essays expert essay writers at MyPerfectWords. Readers may lose their interest promptly. There are a few poetic devices utilized within this poem. With our academic writers you'll never face such a matter.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Defining Nick Bottom in a Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay
Defining Nick Bottom in A Midsummer Night’s Dream Perhaps one of William Shakespeares greatest plays of all time, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a play intended to be watched, rather than read, with an imaginative mind. It is a play that is in the genre of romantic comedy. The romantic aspects of the play are made possible with the characters of Theseus and Hippolyta, Lysander and Hermia, Helena and Demetrius, and Oberon with Titania. However, the comedy that is involved in this masterpiece is mostly shown through the lines of Nick Bottom. Although many plays are dull and repetitious with romanticism, â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†is a romantic play brought to life with comedic characters like Nick Bottom. Nick Bottom is a working class†¦show more content†¦What Richard Alleva is saying is that Nick Bottom is one of the greatest characters that provide comic relief in Shakespeare’s play. Shakespeare uses Bottom to provide comedy to the play, in which most of the play is based around him and his antics. Bottom messes up grammar, spelling, and everything that Quince, the author of Pyramus and Thisbe, had wanted for the play for the Duke and Duchess. Examples of his Ass like qualities are seen in the first act. For instance, Bottom says â€Å"You were best to call them generally, man by man, according to the scrip†(1.2.2). What makes him a fool in this statement is that he uses the word generally, instead of the word individually. Also he uses the word scrip, when he really means to use the word script. Another great example of Bottom’s foolishness, acting as Pyramus: Thisbe, the flowers of odious savors sweet (3.1.59). This mistake perfectly reflects Bottom because he should have said the word ‘odors instead of ‘odious in the sentence. Odors means fragrant smells, while odious means repulsive. This humor is obvious to everybody watching that Bottom had made a mistake. So these are just a few examples to explain how Bottom was a fool and provided laughter. In A Midsummer Nights Dream, there is aShow MoreRelated An Analysis of Love in Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream2422 Words  | 10 PagesA Midsummer Nights Dream is one of Shakespeares most widely read comedies about love. This seems somewhat strange, however, in light of the fact that so few of its characters seem to display any kind of full or true love. A close examination of the actions and words of each of the players will reveal that only one of them, by the end of Act V, should be considered a lover. For the purposes of this inquiry, we are defining love as that which steadily desires and works to attain the benefit
Monday, December 9, 2019
Target Data Breach free essay sample
They also operate as an online retailer at target. com. In 2012 the retailer earned more than $73 billion dollars in revenue and grew their sales by 5. 1% from the previous year. Looking at the revenue and sales growth rate it is hard to fathom that more money could not be spent to ensure that consumer data is protected as much as possible. As information security specialists one of the worst things that can happen is our network gets infiltrated and customer information is stolen. On December 19, 2013 Target released a statement stating that they have had an information security breach and suggested that as much as 70 million credit card information had been stolen. Target Data Breach Target a large retail corporation that operates over 1,700 stores across the United States. They also operate as an online retailer at target. com. In 2012 the retailer earned more than $73 billion dollars in revenue and grew their sales by 5.1% from the previous year (â€Å"Corporate overview,†2013). Looking at the revenue and sales growth rate it is hard to fathom that more money could not be spent to ensure that consumer data is protected as much as possible. As information security specialists one of the worst things that can happen is our network gets infiltrated and customer information is stolen. On December 19, 2013 Target released a statement stating that they have had an information security breach and suggested that as much as 70 million credit card information had been stolen (Jarvis Milletary, 2014). The Attach After a thorough investigation by federal law enforcement it had been determined that hackers were able to infiltrate the network and place malware on several pieces of the companies Point of Sale (POS) systems. The attackers were meticulous and thought through their attack, attempting to cover their access and malicious software they were using. On November 30 2013, the attackers gained access to Targets network. The following day they deployed their card stealing malware onto the POS systems. On December 11 the attackers are first discovered and on the 15th of December they were removed from the network. December 19th Target acknowledge the breach to the public and details started coming to light on the sophistication of the attack (Jarvis Milletary, 2014). After two months of investigating it was determined that Target had allowed their HVAC vendor access to their networks. This HVAC account that was created had been compromised and allowed hackers onto the Target’s network (Mlot, 2014). Once on the network the attackers made their way to change user accounts that were already on the system and gave them elevated privileges. Target utilizes BMC management software that creates and utilizes a Best1_user account to authenticate the management software to the network. This account when installed onto the system is not added to any groups and is locked down to only authenticate the BMC services necessary (â€Å"29 new clues,†2014). Once on Target’s network with elevated privileges the attackers were able to launch malware to the POS systems that would capture the credit card information of the consumers as they swiped their cards to pay for their items. They launched a second piece of malware that that would take the captured information and move it to a dump server on the internal network. Once the information was on the dump server it them moved to a server that had access to the internet and eventually sent via FTP to a dropsite so the attackers could retrieve the information (Jarvis Milletary, 2014). The attackers took the time to make sure to embed their malicious software inside files that were already being used on the target network. Masking and hiding their code allowed them to go undetected for several days. By the time they were discovered they had collected over 70 million consumers financial information and were selling the card information in batches (â€Å"29 new clues,†2014). Target Management Once Target realized the nature and magnitude of the breach they released a statement to its consumers stating there was a breach. It began taking a proactive and open approach to the details of the attack and how it happened. Most companies would want to keep this information quiet and not lose customer confidence. Target has been one of the few that has a dedicated website that discusses the breach and what they are doing so that it doesn’t happen again. Within the website they have a FAQ section for consumers to understand what happened in laymen’s terms. The executive vice president and CFO John Milligan has recently stated that Target will be implementing smart cards for their retail credit cards that include a PIN. This is one of the measures being taken so that if the card information is stolen it cannot be utilized without knowing the unique pin that is associated with the card (Mulligan, 2014). Target has offered free credit monitoring for its consumers as well as investing five million dollars in a cyber-security coalition that will educate people on internet scams and their dangers (Target to invest, 2014). Conclusion. While the damage to the Target network is done and will cost the company millions of dollars it is easy to say this breach could have been avoided. Even if it saved the company money to allow a third party HVAC Company on their network they missed the basic principal of keeping their vital POS information network separate from their facility network. It begs the question are the human resource files also on the same network as the HVAC and facilities controls? That could have easily led the employees of the company information to be at risk as well. It is after all best practice to keep our sensitive data separate from the rest of the network. Since smart-cards have been around for some time companies need to begin the investment into a more secure credit card system. Require PIN information every time a credit card is swiped. This will help ensure that even if a credit card is stolen that the attacker will not be able to access the information without the appropriate secret pin. Instead the small banks will lose money, they will sue Target. Target will have to pay millions of dollars to the banks and those prices will get passed on to the consumer. After all that is the American way.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit Essay Example
Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit Paper Mr. Callaghan ENG 4U 2011-10-27 Immortality at the Summit The story The Snows of Kilimanjaro is set in Africa where the characters are on a hunting trip. When the bearing on their truck breaks it leaves them unfortunately stranded. While on the trip Harry, the protagonist, acquires gangrene after he failed to apply iodine following the infection of a thorn scratch. The gangrene is eating away his leg and Harry is dying. Harry and his wife, Helen, are waiting for a rescue plane to come and save them but it is late. Harry can sense his death coming. This is when the realization sets in that he has run out of time and all the writing he planned to do will never get accomplished. As Harry lies on his death bed he experiences flashbacks of his life. All his flashbacks consist of great opportune moments where he could have written amazing stories but did not. He realizes he has failed as a writer and wasted his talent through his procrastination. Knowing he will die before morning he goes to sleep and dreams that the rescue plane has come to the camp and flies him to the top of Mountain Kilimanjaro where the summit is referred to as The House of God because a leopards carcass was discovered, frozen, at the top where it will be forever frozen, preserved and exist forever. Helen awakes in the night and goes over to him but he has passed away. I enjoyed Ernest Hemingways short story, The Snows of Kilimanjaro. I found it to be a unique and enjoyable story. We will write a custom essay sample on Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Snows of Kilimanjaro Immortality at the Summit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hemingway is a very creative writer and in this story he covers all three writing styles as he plays the roles of a story teller, enchanter and a teacher. He is a storyteller because as Harry dies he recalls and highlights for the reader several memories that tell tales of his journey through life. Hemingway is also a teacher because he teaches lessons in the book. As Harry lay dying after reminiscing about his flash back he regrets the way he was unable to record the stories of his life on paper. The lesson Hemingway teaches in this story is to live your life without regrets. Hemingway plays the role of the enchanter because he turns a rather boring story line into an intriguing and great short story. Harry lies dying in his cot where he doesnt move the entire story. The way Hemingway adds the flashbacks, his powerful and realistic use of dialogue, symbolism, and the dream at the end help transform this story from a basic and boring idea of a man who lie dying into a brilliant story. During this reading I developed sympathy for Harrys wife, Helen. Harry treats her very badly. Helen is a caring and kind person and he is very rude to her as he says things like â€Å"You bitch, you ritch bitch†(Hemingway 254) to her. She is willing to do anything he wants because she enjoys doing things that he enjoys. Harry says hurtfully to Helen he does not love her and he implies she has been used in their marriage for her wealth when Harry says â€Å"Your damned money was my armour†(Hemingway 253). It bothers me that Harry could be so rude and disrespectful to his wife when she has been so caring and loving towards him. Helen deserved a much better husband than Harry. Another thing I liked from Hemingways story is his interesting use of symbolism through animals. In the story he uses the location of the vultures to correlate Harrys physical well being. Vultures started circling in the sky and as Harry weakens they moved to the ground. When death creeps even closer more vultures came. Hemingway uses a special writing style for Harrys flashbacks. He replaces several commas with â€Å"ands†with the aim of creating run on sentences. This style makes the reader feel as if they can visualize Harrys memories flashing quickly before their own eyes. â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro†is an appealing story. It is well written and draws the reader in. Hemingways writing style is sure to attract and please many readers. Exploring some of Hemingways other works would certainly be worthwhile.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A Short History of the Ball of Goo Called Silly Putty
A Short History of the Ball of Goo Called Silly Putty Silly Putty, one of the most popular toys of the 20th century, was invented accidentally. Find out what a war, an indebted advertising consultant, and a ball of goo have in common. Rationing Rubber One of the most important resources needed for World War II war production was rubber. It was essential for tires (which kept the trucks moving) and boots (which kept the soldiers moving). It was also important for gas masks, life rafts, and even bombers. Beginning early in the war, the Japanese attacked many of the rubber-producing countries in Asia, drastically affecting the supply route. To conserve rubber, civilians in the United States were asked to donate old rubber tires, rubber raincoats, rubber boots, and anything else that consisted at least in part of rubber. Rations were placed on gasoline to hinder people from driving their cars. Propaganda posters instructed people in the importance of carpooling and showed them how to care for their household rubber products so they would last the duration of the war. Inventing a Synthetic Rubber Even with this home-front effort, the rubber shortage threatened war production. The government decided to ask U.S. companies to invent a synthetic rubber that had similar properties but that could be made with non-restricted ingredients. In 1943, engineer James Wright was attempting to discover a synthetic rubber while working in General Electrics laboratory in New Haven, Connecticut when he discovered something unusual. In a test tube, Wright had combined boric acid and silicone oil, producing an interesting gob of goo. Wright conducted a multitude of tests on the substance and discovered it could bounce when dropped, stretch farther than regular rubber, didnt collect mold, and had a very high melting temperature. Unfortunately, though it was a fascinating substance, it didnt contain the properties needed to replace rubber. Still, Wright assumed there had to be some practical use for the interesting putty. Unable to come up with an idea himself, Wright sent samples of the putty to scientists around the world. However, none of them found a use for the substance either. An Entertaining Substance Though perhaps not practical, the substance continued to be entertaining. The nutty putty began to be passed around to family and friends and even taken to parties to be dropped, stretched, and molded to the delight of many. In 1949, the ball of goo found its way to Ruth Fallgatter, an owner of a toy store who regularly produced a catalog of toys. Advertising consultant Peter Hodgson convinced Fallgatter to place globs of the goo in plastic cases and add it to her catalog. Selling for $2 each, the bouncing putty outsold everything else in the catalog except for a set of 50-cent Crayola crayons. After a year of strong sales, Fallgatter decided to drop the bouncing putty from her catalog. The Goo Becomes Silly Putty Hodgson saw an opportunity. Already $12,000 in debt, Hodgson borrowed another $147 and bought a large quantity of the putty in 1950. He then had Yale students separate the putty into one-ounce balls and place them inside red plastic eggs. Since bouncing putty didnt describe all of the puttys unusual and entertaining attributes, Hodgson thought hard about what to call the substance. After much contemplation and numerous options suggested, he decided to name the goo Silly Putty and to sell each egg for $1. In February 1950, Hodgson took Silly Putty to the International Toy Fair in New York, but most people there did not see the potential for the new toy. Luckily, Hodgson did manage to get Silly Putty stocked at both Nieman-Marcus and Doubleday bookstores. A few months later, a reporter for The New Yorker stumbled across Silly Putty at a Doubleday bookstore and took home an egg. Fascinated, the writer wrote an article in the Talk of the Town section that appeared on August 26, 1950. Immediately, orders for Silly Putty started pouring in. Adults First, Then Children Silly Putty, marked as The Real Solid Liquid, was at first considered a novelty item (i.e. a toy for adults). However, by 1955 the market shifted and the toy became a huge success with children. Added to bouncing, stretching, and molding, kids could spend hours using the putty to copy images from comics and then distort the images by bending and stretching. In 1957, kids could watch Silly Putty T.V. commercials that were strategically placed during The Howdy Doody Show and Captain Kangaroo. From there, there was no end to the popularity of Silly Putty. Children continue to play with the simple gob of goo often referred to as the toy with one moving part. Did You Know... Did you know that astronauts on the 1968 Apollo 8 mission took Silly Putty with them to the moon?Did you know that the Smithsonian Institution included Silly Putty in its exhibit on the 1950s?Did you know that Binney Smith, the makers of Crayola, bought the rights to Silly Putty in 1977 (after Peter Hodgson passed away)?Did you know that you can no longer copy images onto Silly Putty from the comics because of the change in the inking process?Did you know that people did finally discover numerous practical uses for Silly Putty, including as a balance for a wobbly piece of furniture, lint remover, hole stopper, and a stress reliever?
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition of Salon
Definition of Salon Salon, derived from the French word salon (a living room or parlor), means a conversational gathering. Usually, this is a select group of intellectuals, artists, and politicians who meet in the private residence of a socially influential (and often wealthy) person. Pronunciation: sal ·on The Gertrude Stein Numerous wealthy women have presided over salons in France and England since the 17th century. The American novelist and playwright Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) was known for her salon at 27 rue de Fleurus in Paris, where Picasso, Matisse, and other creative people would meet to discuss art, literature, politics and, no doubt, themselves. (noun) - Alternately, the Salon (always with a capital S) was the official art exhibition sponsored by the Acadà ©mie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. The Acadà ©mie was begun by Cardinal Mazarin in 1648 under the royal patronage of Louis XIV. The royal Acadà ©mie exhibition took place in the Salon dApollon in the Louvre in 1667 and was meant for only members of the Academy. In 1737 the exhibition was opened to the public and held annually, then biannually (during odd years). In 1748, a jury system was introduced. The jurors were members of the Academy and previous winners of Salon medals. The French Revolution After the French Revolution in 1789, the exhibition was opened to all French artists and became an annual event again. In 1849, medals were introduced. In 1863, the Academy exhibited the rejected artists in the Salon des Refusà ©s, which took place in a separate venue. Similar to our annual Academy Awards for Motion Pictures, the artists who made the cut for that years Salon counted on this affirmation by their peers to advance their careers. There was no other way to become a successful artist in France until the Impressionists courageously organized their own exhibition outside the authority of the Salon system. Salon art, or academic art, refers to the official style that the juries for the official Salon deemed acceptable. During the 19th century, the prevailing taste favored the finished surface inspired by Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), a Neoclassical painter. In 1881, the French government withdrew its sponsorship and Socià ©tà © des Artistes Franà §ais took over the administration of the exhibition. These artists had been elected by artists who had already participated in the previous Salons. Therefore, the Salon continued to represent the established taste in France and resist the avant-garde. In 1889, the Socià ©tà © Nationale des Beaux-Arts broke away from the Artistes Franà §ais and founded their own salon. Here Are Other Breakaway Salons Salon des Aquarellistes (Watercolorists Salon), begun 1878Salon de lUnion des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs (Women Painters and Sculptors Union Salon), begun 1881Salon des Indà ©pendants, begun 1884Salon des Graveurs (Printmakers Salon), begun 1900Salon dautomne (Fall Salon), begun 1903Salon de lÉcole Franà §aise (French School Salon), begun 1903Salon dHiver (Winter Salon), founded in 1897, first exhibition 1904Salon des Arts Dà ©coratifs, begun 1905Salon de la Comà ©die Humaine, begun 1906Salon des Humeuristes begun 1908
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Principle of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1
Principle of Management - Essay Example etent leader conducts internal analyses, reviews the external market and competitive environments and also considers the current state of human capital in the employee population. This report highlights a series of specific tasks which can lead to the identification of problems in the construction business unit as well as the tasks necessary to move the business forward and build profit and a better retention model. The issues which are leading to rather flat growth and improvement must be identified in order to give the construction unit a competitive edge in its industry. Competitors have managed to perform better in relation to profit increases and maintaining a contented workforce who are not as apt to seek other job opportunities. This means that the construction industry, as a whole, provides opportunities for advancement in areas of profit and turnover if these issues can be successfully identified. The first task necessary in this goal is to conduct an analysis of the company’s strengths and weaknesses in areas of human resources, the internal use of finances, marketing, and job design. This can be accomplished using the SWOT analysis template, designed to review the internal and external business environment in order to give the manager a snapshot of what is occurring at the business and employee level. â€Å"SWOT analysis remains a major strategic tool for listing the strengths and weaknesses of the organisational unit and can translate them into value†(Coman and Ronen, 2009, p.5677). For example, it is necessary to review all functional and inter-related departments to essentially audit how they are interacting at the interpersonal and business levels. Administrative groups may not be providing the necessary support or encouragement needed for lower-level employees within the organisation, thus reducing morale. The SWOT analysis would identify poorly-function ing business units as a weakness and give the manager a guideline by which to make internal
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business - Affirmative Action Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business - Affirmative Action - Research Paper Example It is an act to increase the representation of minority by giving them preference on the basis of gender, color, origin, sexual orientation etc. Moreover, this act is also done to increase the participation of the under representative part of the society to showcase what they are capable of. Historical Background: General Background History The term ‘affirmative action’ was first used in 1935 in a National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C.  §Ã‚ §151–169). The usage for it was not for race but to provide remedy for employers to avoid discrimination of union members. However, in books the origin of this term was mentioned to root from the United States. During the presidency of John F. Kennedy, it first appeared in Executive Order 10925 and it was signed by the President on March 6th 1961 (Jain and Ratnam). It was used to refer to methods used to achieve non-discrimination policy implementation. In 1965, Executive Order 11246 was issued by the President Lyndon Johnso n which stated that federal contractors should use affirmative action to avoid discrimination while employing a person. Hiring should be made irrespective of race, religion and national origin. The 1964 Civil Rights Act implemented this clause that no race discrimination by statute should be carried at the workplace. Title II of 1964 act stopped places which were public, such as restaurants or hotels from discriminating on the basis of race. Gradually in 1968, gender was also added to the list. Purpose of Affirmative Action Since the Civil Rights Movement, much has been changed in a positive manner and a great contribution to it was the introduction of Affirmative action. This attempt was to achieve a better and more equal society. It was started as a ‘Corrective measure for societal and governmental discriminations against groups that have been at a disadvantage and subject to prejudices’. However, much has changed since its inception. Supporters of Affirmative Actionà ‚ There are many people, organizations and societies supporting the inherent goodness of affirmative action. Some of them are given below: According to a report published in 2007 by Pew Research Center, support for affirmative action in the American public has increased to 70% in 2007 compared to 58% in 1995. The US Military is another endorser of affirmative action. In 2003, many high ranking officers of Army, Navy, Air force and Marine Corps planned a rally in support of affirmative action for a Supreme Court case Grutter v. Bollinger. The fortune 500 companies have been a popular endorser of affirmative action. More than 60 leading companies in fortune 500 which encompasses 3M, GE, HP, Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola came out for the support of affirmative action in 2003. Universities have been a popular supporter of affirmative action. Harvard University, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University and Dartmouth College provided their support for race-conscious a dmission programs. They wanted to promote diversity in all forms and, therefore, in 2003 they showed their popular support for it. Popular athletes are endorsers of affirmative action. Many of the Michigan’s leading sports athlete including Tom Izzo (Michigan State University), Joanne P. McCallie (Michigan State University), Tommy Amaker (University of Michigan) and Ernie Zeigler (Central Michigan University) spoke about the importance of affirmative ac
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pre-1914 prose study Essay Example for Free
Pre-1914 prose study Essay It reminds the reader that it is a gothic story. The last story called, The Superstitious Mans Story isnt what is described to be typically gothic, however, and it does include gothic elements. This story isnt typically gothic because it doesnt definitely have murders or doppelgangers; the story just persuades the reader to assume that those things are the solution to the story. This is clear because in the story when the villagers say that they had seen the man, they could have been mistaken. Thomas Hardy only uses one technique in the story which is a simile. The simile is, sleeping as sound as a rock. He uses this simile to show that there was no sign as movement so there is no real proof he was there. In The Red Room, H. G Wells uses the techniques repetition to convince the reader that there is something significant of that room. He uses personification, for example when he describes the shadow to be mocking the characters action so that the reader can imagine that in the room it feels like youre being followed. He uses an effective setting in the red room with dark, daunting colours. Finally he uses metaphors and similes to help the reader picture the room as he describes it. In Confession Found in a Prison, Charles Dickens uses similes and metaphors to emphasise the mans feelings, he used personification to describe his feelings of guilt and regret when he says that the wind that passes whispers murder to him. He also uses an effective setting when he describes the dungeon that the character is present in when he was writing the story. In Thomas Hardys A Superstitious Mans Story, Hardy uses just a simile to prove to the reader that there is a possibility that the man might not have been there because there was no sign that the man was there. In my opinion, I found The red Room the most effective story because the techniques used such as the similes and metaphors really helped me imagine the picture and the scene the story was describing. Also it used many other techniques like the setting described and personification that made me feel suspense and exhilaration whilst reading the story. It also had the best storyline because it had a secret history of murders and deaths that were not exposed; they were just hinted when the old people were warning him of the red room and its effects it has on people. It also has two sides to the story; it has a supernatural side because of the history and noises and shadows that couldnt be explained. The second side is the realistic side when he gets out of the castle and he realises that it wasnt ghosts or spirits in the room that were making him uncomfortable but it was just his mind playing tricks on him.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Grapes of Wrath Essays: Steinbecks Style :: Grapes Wrath essays
Analysis of Style of The Grapes Of Wrath    John Steinbeck’s The Grapes Of Wrath is a moving novel, full of richly metaphorical language. His writing style often evokes deep emotions, as it does in the passage reprinted below, by creating a clear picture in your mind of what he’s trying to say. In this selection, he enforces a strong image in the reader’s mind: you cannot escape your past, which will be with you no matter where you go or what you do. This message is enforced through a combination of wit and style in his writing that is rarely found among literary works.   But you can’t start. Only a baby can start. You and meâ€â€why, we’re all that’s been. That anger of a moment, the thousand pictures, that’s us. This land, this red land, is us; and the flood years and the drought years are us. We can’t start again. The bitterness we sold to the junk manâ€â€he got it all right, but we have it still. And when the owner man told us to go, that’s us; and when the tractor hit the house, that’s us until we’re dead. To California or any placeâ€â€every one a drum major leading a parade of hurts, marching with our bitterness. And some dayâ€â€the armies of bitterness will all be going the same way. And they’ll all walk together and there’ll be a dead terror from it.   (ch. 9, p. 11)  An important point that Steinbeck tries to deliver is the significance of memory. â€Å"The bitterness we sold to the junk manâ€â€he got it all right, but we have it still.† Despite having rid themselves of the physical presence of reminders of past woes, the mental image and pain still remain. Just because there isn’t anything around to provide evidence of something happening doesn’t mean that it will go away. â€Å"You and meâ€â€why, we’re all that’s been,†he wroteâ€â€people are defined by their experiences as memories, not by what is around them. One’s character is shaped from within, by his mind and his thoughts, not what he surrounds himself with in the external world. Steinbeck’s word choice has a very significant impact on the effectiveness of his writing. By using words and phrases like â€Å"junk man,†â€Å"dead terror,†and the repetition of the words â€Å"bitterness†and â€Å"dead,†he drives his point home in a very matter-of-fact sort of way.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The destructive results of Insomnia
Insomnia is one of widely-spread sleep disorders which as a result of worries, fears, anxiety and bad brain patterns function make a person unable to maintain his/her sleep. The people suffering from insomnia become irritable the next day and often worry about the coming night when they will have to fight for sleep.As a result during the day people may meet unexpected desire to fall asleep what completely ruins the course of the day and leads to stress and depression. A person with Insomnia may also suffer from other sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless legs syndrome.The destructive results of Insomnia make us to think of it as a serous mental disease, however it is only a symptom caused by medications, psychological condition, inappropriate sleeping habits or by other stressful events. Among the medications that may greatly contribute to the progression of Insomnia are caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, antidepressants, amphetamines, diuretics, appetite suppressants and different drug products including cocaine and marijuana.The extent to which a person can be imposed to Insomnia has two levels of difficulty. The primary Insomnia defines a person who is having sleep problems are not directly connected with any other health states or problems. Secondary Insomnia means that a person’s inconveniences with sleep are associated with inherent health conditions such as depression, cancer, heartburn, asthma or others. Because of their pain and medications they are taking they start to have other health problems which are connected by the chain of successive conditions.Sleep disorder in its primary level can be easily treated if a person take make a habit from the following activities: ·Ã‚        Regularity of sleep times; ·Ã‚        Comfortable conditions for sleep (bed, temperature and lightening); ·Ã‚        Prevention from accepting the stimulants (e.g. coffee or ciga rettes); ·Ã‚        Practice of relaxation methods; ·Ã‚        Avoidance from taking naps during the day. Medicines interference into Insomnia treatment is not required as it can be treated with setting new sleeping habits. However for short-term Insomnia one can use over-the-counter sleeping drugs. It is important not to use them regularly as there may appear dependence upon them and create the situation of good sleep impossibility unless the drug is used.Treatment for long term Insomnia requires more complex procedure. First it is needed to conduct a first treating of any underlying conditions or health problems that are determined to cause Insomnia. If Insomnia progresses one can chose either to go through the behavioral therapy or start to accept medications. The first method helps people to replace their ways of living and focus on achieving of specific goals while gaining more control over their lives.Professionals in the fi eld of advancement of Behavior Therapy identify some common goals of behavior therapy. The Insomnia persons should follow this goal which requires for them to use only one bedroom for sleep (Acting), try to understand how his/her stresses influence the sleep (Feeling), to realize that at least 7 hours of sleep is a must for everyone (Thinking), to integrate diet and exercise to encourage the sleep (Dealing), and to train himself/herself in self-management skills (Coping). Medical therapy by contrast with Behavioral therapy has side effects and must be used with caution.Bibliography:1. Fogel J (2003). Behavioral treatments for insomnia in primary care settings. Topics in Advanced Practice Nursing eJournal, 3(4).2. Morgan K (2003). Daytime activity and risk factors for late-life insomnia. Journal of Sleep Research, 12(3): 231–238.3. â€Å"Insomnia Help / Behavioral Treatments for Insomnia†Â
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Dickens present as the perfect gentleman Essay
One of the most important themes in â€Å"Great Expectations†is the idea of what makes the perfect gentleman. Dickens presents this idea through the adventures of Pip and how he develops his idea of what a true gentleman is. His first image of a gentleman is purely based on what their appearance is, such as Cousin Raymond and Jaggers on Miss Havisham’s birthday, and then he calls Herbert â€Å"the pale young gentleman†. These presumptions are not based on personality, yet towards the end of the book, he does not respect Herbert or Magwitch due to their appearance, but because he has realised that a true gentleman has many more qualities than just a good outward appearance. However, Pip’s initial impressions of a gentleman are of a person who is wealthy and affluent. When Pip first meets a gentleman, Cousin Raymond at Satis House on Miss Havisham’s birthday, he describes him and three other ladies as â€Å"toadies and humbugs†. Here, Dickens presents them as very unpleasant characters and makes the reader hate them from the start. This effect is created by how he first presents them as boring (â€Å"the ladies had to speak quite rigidly to repress a yawn†), and then they look down at Pip (â€Å"they all looked at me with the utmost contempt†). Here Dickens seemed to be sending out the message that not all so-called â€Å"gentlemen†are necessarily polite or well-mannered. Furthermore, Pip’s next meeting with a gentleman is not pleasant either. When Pip first meets Jaggers, on the same day, Pip does not take a liking to him either. Dickens presents him as a bossy type of person, suggested by the language which Jaggers uses whilst talking to Pip. He first asks him â€Å"Boy of the neighbourhood? †This implies that Jaggers thinks less of Pip; as inferior to him. This is incredibly rude of Jaggers, who also suggests that he is like an object, by referring to him by a bad â€Å"set†of fellows. Jaggers would definitely be considered a gentleman by the Victorians at that time. As he himself mentions, he is â€Å"pretty well known†and is very wealthy. Here Dickens presents him as a snob who is simply showing off. However, Jaggers would simply not be considered a gentleman in a more modern society as he is definitely not caring or loving or even slightly kind. This is shown by the way in which he only wants a yes or no answer and that when someone doesn’t, he very rudely interrupts and asks them again. For example, when he is talking to his clients, he asks one of them if they have paid Wemmick yet. When that person doesn’t answer yes or no, Jaggers tells them that â€Å"I don’t ask you when you have made it up†¦ Have you paid Wemmick? †This instantly shows the true character of Jaggers as a selfish person who always gets what he wants.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Pelican Brief Essays
The Pelican Brief Essays The Pelican Brief Paper The Pelican Brief Paper The pelican brief. „The pelican brief†is the 3rd novel written by John Grisham in 1992. Most of his novels are about lawyers and so is this one. I could say that this book is definitely the one with most action in it, because the storyline is based on major government cover-up. One aspect of this book is its theme. The main theme of this novel is large-scale conspiracies in America. The author shows us the dark side of political and economical impact and its importance in the same time. The story starts out with two Supreme Court Justices murdered for no apparent reason. The main character is a young law student, named Darby who gets drawn apart in the deeps of political conspiracies by writing a brief in witch she reveals her theory of conspiracy. It was a shot in the dark for Darby, a brilliant guess, which appeared to be true and that’s the main reason why she becomes a target for a big business and political giant- Victor Mattiece, who murders Darby’s friend Thomas Callahan and Gavin while the young student tries to run to earth the evidence against Victor Matice. Darby have to deal face to face with the political corruption, trying to get evidence against the persons involved in these crimes. Throughout the novel her struggle with guilt and pain is blowing up , as well as her fear. The author shows how hard it is to be alone against all system of bureaucratie. To some this may seem ironic that a young female law student can so easily write a brief, that turns out to be the only document that can cover up such a large-scale corruption, but that is not the point. The idea is to show political system problems in general. In my opinion the author ties to show us that they are more interested in golf than a major government crisis, and choose to let others worry about it. Step by step the young law student and her friend Gray debunks a shifty cover-up, made by the most prestigious men in the country. In the end of the book Darby lies in the beach feeling slightly free from all troubles she have lived thought. The second aspect of â€Å"The Pelican brief†is it’s style . The author’s language is quite pleasant, he writes in the 3rd person. The interest aroused quite quickly, because of the unexpected turn in the very beginning . I could say that it is hard to follow the storyline if you have missed some events, because the story is fast mooving. The final aspect of â€Å"The Pelican brief is its value. The story has an influence on reader it made me think about who you can and cant trust, and also showed some skills of being sharp. I think John Grishams goal while writing this novel was to strike suspense, fear, happiness, and enjoyment into the reader in the same time.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Green Ash Tree Facts, Identification, and Management
Green Ash Tree Facts, Identification, and Management Green ash will reach a height of about 60 feet with a spread of 45 feet. Upright main branches bear twigs which droop toward the ground then bend upward at their tips much like Basswood. The glossy dark green foliage will turn yellow in the fall, but the color is often muted in the south. There is a good seed-set annually on female trees which are used by many birds but some consider the seeds to be messy. This fast-growing tree will adapt to many different landscape conditions and can be grown on wet or dry sites, preferring moist. Some cities have over-planted green ash. Specifics of the Green Ash Scientific name: Fraxinus pennsylvanicaPronunciation: FRACK-sih-nus pen-sill-VAN-ih-kuhCommon name(s): Green AshFamily: OleaceaeUSDA hardiness zones: 3 through 9AOrigin: Native to North AmericaUses: Large parking lot islands; wide tree lawns; recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or for median strip plantings in the highway; reclamation plant; shade tree;Availability: Generally available in many areas within its hardiness range. Native Range Green ash extends from Cape Breton Island and Nova Scotia west to southeastern Alberta; south through central Montana, northeastern Wyoming, to southeastern Texas; and east to northwestern Florida and Georgia. Description Leaf: Opposite, pinnately compound with 7 to 9 serrate leaflets that are lanceolate to elliptical in shape, entire leaf is 6 to 9 inches long, green above and glabrous to silky-pubescent below. Crown uniformity: Symmetrical canopy with a regular (or smooth) outline, and individuals have more or less identical crown forms. Trunk/bark/branches: Grow mostly upright and will not droop; not particularly showy; should be grown with a single leader; no thorns. Breakage: Susceptible to breakage either at the crotch due to poor collar formation, or the wood itself is weak and tends to break. Flower and Fruit Flower: Dioecious; light green to purplish, both sexes lacking petals, females occurring in loose panicles, males in tighter clusters, appear after the leaves unfold. Fruit: A single-winged, dry, flattened samara with a slender, thin seed cavity, maturing in autumn and dispersing over winter. Special Uses Green ash wood, because of its strength, hardness, high shock resistance, and excellent bending qualities is used in specialty items such as tool handles and baseball bats but is not as desirable as white ash. It is also a favorite tree used in city and yard landscapes. Several Green Ash Hybrids ‘Marshall Seedless’- some seeds, yellow fall color, fewer insect problems,; ‘Patmore’ - excellent street tree, straight trunk, good yellow fall color, seedless; ‘Summit’ - female, yellow fall color, straight trunk but pruning required to develop strong structure, abundant seeds, and flower galls can be a nuisance; ‘Cimmaron’ is a new plant (USDA hardiness zone 3) reported to have a strong trunk, good lateral branching habit, and tolerance to salt. Damaging Pests Borers: Common on Ash and they can kill trees. The most common borers infesting Ash are Ash borer, lilac borer, and carpenterworm. Ash borer bores into the trunk at or near the soil line causing tree dieback. Anthracnose: also called leaf scorch and leaf spot. Infected parts of the leaves turn brown, especially along the margins. Infected leaves fall prematurely. Rake up and destroy infected leaves. Chemical controls are not practical or economical on large trees. Trees in the south can be severely affected. The Most Widely Distributed Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), also called red ash, swamp ash, and water ash is the most widely distributed of all the American ashes. Naturally a moist bottomland or stream bank tree, it is hardy to climatic extremes and has been widely planted in the Plains States and Canada. The commercial supply is mostly in the South. Green ash is similar in property to white ash and they are marketed together as white ash. The large seed crops provide food to many kinds of wildlife. Due to its good form and resistance to insects and disease, it is a very popular ornamental tree.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Interactions of hazardous materials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interactions of hazardous materials - Essay Example According to the given incident, the ‘class 8’ label on the tanker shows that the liquid is corrosive (like sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, Sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide). The NFPA diamond with a 0 at 12 o'clock, shows that the liquid will not catch fire, a 2 at 3 o'clock shows that the liquid will undergo violent chemical change under normal conditions, a 4 at 9 o'clock shows that the liquid is deadly and it should not be inhaled or allowed to touch a body part under any condition. A slashed W at 6 o'clock depicts that the no water should be allowed to make contact with the chemical under any condition. The chemical will behave violently in contact with water. thus, it is clear from the label that the dripping liquid will nor catch fire but there is a need to maintain a distance between the dripping liquid, as the dripping liquid is vaporizing at normal temperature and pressure and may penetrate into the body through nasal passages and may harm the internal organs like lungs and throat (â€Å"NFPA Labeling Guide†). After viewing the labels and information available on the truck, it is quite clear that the chemical is lethal and probably has an acidic nature. The UN number 1836 identifies that the chemical is ‘Thionyl Chloride’, which is harsh chemical and reacts vigorously in contact with water and alkaline chemicals.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Paramedic science degree (Medical) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paramedic science degree (Medical) - Essay Example Hence, her doctor advised bariatric surgery six months ago. Her initial surgery led to a 5% weight loss within the first two months of the gastric banding surgery. She was encouraged by results and so she requested for the biliopancreatic diversion without duodenal switch. This procedure also helped her lose more weight. Her third request for surgery is being considered by her physician due to dependency concerns. Her physician, as well as the rest of the medical team believes that she has become dependent on bariatric surgeries and they are reluctant to encourage or feed such dependency. When confronted with such concern, she insisted that she has not become dependent on the surgeries and that this was the last surgery she would take to help her lose weight. Despite medical advice, she insists that she needs the gastric stimulation surgery in order to effectively help her lose more weight. Feelings (What was I thinking and feeling?) While caring for the bariatric patient who was bec oming dependent on our services, I felt that we needed to put an end to her dependency. The bariatric surgery during the earliest stages of her diabetes is an effective means of reducing her weight. In a study by Dixon, (2005, p. 472), the authors were able to establish that bariatric surgery done at the earliest stages of diabetes is very much beneficial to patients because it helps reduce and manage their weight and successively help them achieve better results in their diabetes management. Two bariatric surgeries however, are more than sufficient for the current patient to gradually and safely lose weight; and allowing the third surgery to proceed would also be akin to enabling her dependence. I could sense that her demeanour and attitude about the surgeries were based on the concept that the surgeries can be easily availed of and it was her right to demand said services. I felt that her dependence on bariatric surgeries must be stopped and the services to be offered to he r must be based on her health maintenance – not on more bariatric surgeries. In a study by Kushner (2000, p. 126), the authors emphasized the importance fulfilling the essential caloric intake from the limited food intake allowable after gastric banding. This should be focused on by the patient – not the need for more surgeries. Evaluation (What was good and bad about the experience?) What was good about the experience was that I learned to detect signs of dependence in patients. I was able to assess the patient’s behaviour and attitude about the surgery and to determine whether these symptoms were indicative of dependence. The experience also taught me how to deal with patients and their dependence. Normally, I would have given in to a patient’s requests; and, this experience taught me to how to therapeutically refuse a patient’s requests or demands. Therapeutically refusing a patient is not simply about refusing a patient’s requests, but i t is also about making oneself available to respond to the patient’s emotional needs (Austin, 2010, p. 483). What was bad about the experience was that we had limited options for the patient in terms of psychological or mental health assistance. We knew that she was going through some mental health issues which affected her determination to lose weight. As health professionals, we could have provided more counselling for her in order to ensure that she would be able to deal with the emotional challenges of her obesity and to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Organizational Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Organizational Culture - Essay Example enacted values represent values and norms that are demonstrated through employee behavior. Organizational culture helps in adaptation to organization’s external environment and coordination of internal systems and processes. The four main functions include providing organizational identity to its employees; foster commitment to organizational values and goals; promote and sustain positive reinforcement of performance and manage change; and shape employee behavior by aligning their expectations to organizational goals. Organizational culture is divided into four types namely, clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchical cultures. The clan culture encourages flexibility of control and fosters collaboration between employees of different groups or functions. Adhocracy culture encourages innovation by being flexible, adaptive and in pace with market changes. Market culture adopt stability and control in order to keep up pace with external competitors and changing customer demands. Thi s culture focuses more on customer needs and profits than on employee growth and development. The hierarchy culture embraces internal control and structured work environment to create strong processes that control, measure and drive desired results. b.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Health And Safety In A Mechanics And Office Construction Essay
Health And Safety In A Mechanics And Office Construction Essay Occupational Safety and Health is one of the main concerns of employers not only because of the human dimension involved but also because of their legal responsibilities. The objective of the Mauritius Employers Federation in this key area is to create greater awareness among both employers and employees about the need for a safe and healthy work environment. This is essential for the enterprises to be able to play their economic and social role. It cannot be denied that, besides the legal requirements, there is a cost-benefit relationship between OSH, on the one hand, and productivity as well as profitability, on the other. We believe that human and financial losses maybe avoided through professional safety management for the benefit of employees as well as enterprises. Health and Safety in a workshop is very important. If an employee uses equipment, tools and machinery, he should receive safety training. This should ensure that he feels confident in the use of machines and can operate them without having an accident or causing an accident to other people. Before an employee can use equipment and machines or attempt practical work in the workshop the employee must understand basic safety rules. These rules will help keep the employee and others safe in the workshop. In order to assure a safe system of work in the motor vehicle mechanical repair workshop, results from a systematic examination of a task in order to identify all the hazards and assess the risks, and which identifies safe methods of work to ensure that the hazards are eliminated or the remaining risks are minimized. A motor vehicle mechanical repair workshop constitute of several employees and several types of machineries that are being used. In order to recognize the hazards that are present, there are several steps that can be taken into consideration: Check the manufacturers instruction or data sheets for chemicals ( grease, benzene, engine oil, etc ) and equipment ( electrical trolley, towing machines, overhead lifting crane, etc ). Walk around the garage and take notes of things that an employee may thought to pose a risk. Talk to staff/employees to find out what work methods are currently in use, what training they had been given, and any particular requirements. Listen to the employees own concerns about health and safety Go through the accident book In a mechanical workshop, health and safety will deal with biological hazards, chemical hazards, physical hazards and ergonomics. Most accidents in mechanical repair involve trips and falls or poor methods of lifting and handling often resulting in serious injury. Accidents involving vehicles are frequent and cause serious injuries and deaths . Work on petrol tanks in particular causes serious burns, hundreds of fires and some deaths. Fire and explosion Fires and explosions are the cause of most deaths and property damage in motor vehicle repair workshops. Mostly, they involve the mishandling of petrol when draining fuel tanks and lines but incidents have also occurred during hot work (any process which generates flames, sparks or heat) repairs on diesel tank or the inappropriate use of paints/thinners e.g. to light rubbish fires. Make sure that safe methods of work with flammable materials and high temperatures. Some dos and donts Use a proprietary fuel retriever/adaptor when draining petrol from tanks and lines Store containers of flammable liquids in a safe place Before carrying out any hot work on drums or other containers that may contain vapours such as petrol, diesel, paints, solvents etc carefully consider the risks. Safer options include using cold cutting/repair techniques and replacing rather than repairing. Where hot work on a tank or drum is necessary, reduce the risks by emptying, cleaning, gas-freeing or inerting. Dont drain petrol over or close to pit or drain Dont smoke, weld or carry out other hot work while handling petrol or flammable paints/thinners Dont use petrol/thinners to burn rubbish or unwanted materials Hand-arm vibration Power tools transmit vibration into the operators hands and arms. Hand-arm vibration (HAV) can cause vibration white finger, a permanent and painful numbness and tingling in the hands and arms, also painful joints and muscle weakening. Hand-held portable power tools are used extensively in motor vehicle repair workshop. Purchase tools that have been designed and constructed to reduce the risk of vibration, and are suitable for their intended use. Train workers to use them safely and keep them properly maintained. Plant and equipment Plant and equipment can cause accidents if they are used unsafely or poorly maintained. Vehicles falling/rolling off incorrectly positioned jacks or stands, particularly where they are not chocked, are one of the main causes of fatal accidents in motor vehicle repair. In particular: lifting plant and equipment, including bottle/trolley jacks, axle stands ensure they are regularly serviced, maintained and, where necessary, thoroughly examined use correct pins in axle stands correctly position jacks and axle stands, and use chocks ensure that vehicles are always properly supported Guards and other safety devices must be maintained in good condition and properly maintained. Struck by Accidents are the cause of about 20% of injuries in motor vehicle repair. This category includes being struck by vehicles falling off inspection lifts, materials falling from elevated storage areas or the raised forks on fork lift trucks, by tools and materials ejected from plant and equipment and by movement of vehicles under repair. Tyre removal, replacement and inflation Tyre removal, replacement and inflation should only be tackled by competent staff. The main hazards which can arise include: manual handling injuries, which account for nearly a half of all tyre-related incidents reported; tool-related injuries (which make up a quarter of incidents), particularly from handtools such as tyre levers; and compressed-air accidents e.g. from a ruptured or burst tyre or violent separation of the component parts of the wheel. These accidents tend to result in serious injuries, including fatalities. Safety during tyre inflation Inflated tyres contain a large amount of stored energy, which varies according to the inflation pressure and the surface area of the tyre. If the tyre fails, an explosive force can be released at an angle of up to 45 degrees from the rupture. This has resulted in numerous fatalities. It is crucial that the airline hose between the clip-on chuck and the pressure gauge/control is long enough to allow the operator to stand outside the likely trajectory of any explosion during inflation. This will vary depending on the size of the tyre and its positioning. Car tyres generally contain less energy than truck tyres and their size and profile make them less likely to fail catastrophically. Sensible precautions are still required, but a restraining device such as a safety cage is not normally necessary. Welding fumes Fume from welding, flame cutting and other hot work varies greatly and may cause dryness of the throat, tickling, coughing, tightness of the chest and difficulty in breathing. Long- term changes in the lung are possible. Harmful fumes and gases during welding in motor vehicle repair include those from primer and paint layers, other surface coatings such as underseal, and from lead in car bodies. Use local exhaust ventilation e.g. mobile extraction unit with flexible exhaust hood and trunking, wherever possible and always in confined spaces. Roadside repair and recovery: Road traffic incidents (RTIs) and roadside safety People at work on the roadside either recovering or repairing motor vehicles, including tyre and windscreen replacement, are at risk from other road users. Protection of workers and members of the public from traffic risks on public roads is mostly a matter for road traffic law, which is enforced by the Police and other Agencies. However, existing health and safety legislation requires employers and self-employed persons to protect workers and safeguard others put at risk by their work activities. For example safe systems of work should be devised to ensure the safety of workers and the occupants of vehicles being recovered/repaired vehicles and/or attachments e.g. winches, cranes etc may be subject to health and safety legislation. Conclusion Working in the motor vehicle repais industry exposes people to potential dangers and it is the task of the employer (or self-employed person) to identify and minimize those risks. Health and safety in the woodworking industry The woodworking industry has one of the highest accident rates in manufacturing, most of which are caused by contact with moving machinery. Around two-thirds of all accidents occur on just three types of machine: circular saws vertical spindle moulders surface planers Risk management To reduce the chances of an accident occurring, its best to look at what might cause one and then decide what you need to do to stop it happening. The best way to do this is by a risk assessment. Assessment of the workshop Conditions will vary from clean to workshops where machines are buried under dust and off-cuts. The general tidiness is often a good barometer of how well other issues are being managed. Machinery should all be well maintained and have the correct safeguards. It should also only be used by those competent to do so and there should be evidence available to prove this. There should also be good control of health risks from wood dust (asthma, dermatitis), manual handling and noise, etc. Safety topics Working with machinery: Woodworking is the only industry where machinery accidents cause more injuries than slips and trips. Around 25% of these are classed as major injuries. Accidents can be caused by either contact with the moving parts, including tools, or kickbacks of timber and ejected cutters. This happens because of inadequate guarding and poor systems of work, often resulting from insufficient training. Slips, trips and falls account for 19% of accidents in this industry. Vehicles: major injuries to workers and members of the public were caused by vehicles at work. So it is vital to put sensible precautions in place to reduce the risks that vehicles can cause. Fire and explosion: Wood dust is highly flammable and you need to take care to extract it safely and keep it away from sources of ignition. Health topics Health risks in woodworking are not as well known as the safety risks but it is important that they are also included in the risk assessment. Key health concerns in the woodworking industry are: Manual handling Wood dust Noise Hazardous substances Manual handling Most injuries in the woodworking and furniture industry are caused during manual handling activities. There is potential for injury present during: handling of timber and board material machining and assembly handling and storage of the finished product Lifting and handling aids can significantly reduce the risk of injury. Wood dust Wood dust can cause serious health problems. It can cause asthma, which carpenters and joiners  are more like to get. Hardwood dust can cause cancer, particularly of the nose. Settled dust contains the fine particles that are most likely to damage the lungs. Noise Woodworking has some of the noisiest work places in industry. Short exposure to high noise levels can cause temporary hearing loss, but longer exposures can result in permanent damage. Sufferers often do not realise their hearing is being damaged, as hearing loss tends to be gradual. However, some effects such as tinnitus can develop more quickly. Tinnitus can be a permanent ringing or whooshing sound in the ears which can be very distressing, particularly when its quiet, such as when you are trying to go to sleep. Hazardous substances As well as causing asthma, wood dust, sap and the lichens associated with wood can have adverse health effects on the skin, respiratory tract (nose and lungs), eyes as well as the whole body. Some chemicals used in the woodworking industries can have adverse health effects. Particular care should be taken when using dichloromethane (DCM), also known as methylene chloride. This solvent is used to strip paint from wood. As well as being classed as a carcinogen, the vapour can cause drowsiness and headaches. In high concentrations this can lead to unconsciousness and death. Conclusion Key elements to managing woodworking safely include: Risk management: To reduce the chances of an accident occurring, it is best to look at what might cause one and then decide what you need to do to stop it happening. Training and supervision: By law, all workers must receive training and supervision that is appropriate to the equipment they will be using. Workplace management: Paying attention to layout, worker movement and keeping workshops and storage areas tidy can help reduce the risks. Workers themselves should also be encouraged to become involved in health and safety as they are often the best people to understand the risks and help find solutions. Through worker involvement, employees and employers, can act together to reduce accidents and ill health within the workplace. Health and Safety in the office Introduction The modern office environment presents an array of potential hazards that can be avoided by taking simple precautions. Although working in an office has always been considered relatively safe, office workers face occupational hazards that include eye strain, overuse syndrome, headaches, discomfort, trips and falls and manual handling injuries. The ACT Occupational Health and Safety Act 2005, aims to protect the health, safety and welfare of all people in every place of work. Under the Act employers, employees and the self-employed are required to meet certain standards of health, safety and welfare. Employers must ensure the health safety and welfare of their employees. To comply employers must: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide or maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure that equipment and substances are used, stored and transported safely and without risks to health. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide information, instruction, training and supervision that ensures the health and safety of employees à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintain their workplace in a safe condition including entrances and exits. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide adequate information about any research and tests of substances used at work. Employers must also ensure the health and safety of visitors to the workplace. Employees must: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cooperate with their employers in their efforts to maintain the required level of health and safety. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Take reasonable care of the health and safety of others. The self-employed must ensure the health and safety of visitors to the workplace who are not their employees. Manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and substances must: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensure that their products are safe and not a risk to health when properly used. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide clear information about the safe use of their products. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Make available information about research and testing. People in control of workplaces (e.g. building owners who are not the employer) must ensure that the workplace including entrances and exits is safe without risks to health and safety. Reporting and recording workplace injury and dangerous occurrences Employers and persons in control of workplaces must report serious workplace injuries, illness and dangerous occurrences to the ACT Occupational Health and Safety Office on a Injury and Dangerous Occurrence Report Form. Employers are also required to maintain workplace records of employee injuries or illness that result in absences from work of one day or more. Office environment The office environment is a combination of lighting, temperature, humidity and air quality. The office can be a healthy and comfortable place to work if the correct combination of these elements is maintained. Temperature and air conditioning Office temperatures can be localized. A desk situated in direct sunlight will be much warmer than the average temperature in the office and a desk situated directly under an air conditioning vent can be cooler than average. Some older personal computers can generate as much heat as small electric bar heaters raising local temperatures above the room average. This problem can be compounded by the clustering of computers in one particular section of the office. Many of the complaints of discomfort in air-conditioned offices occur in the winter time. The cause of the complaints can be because if the air temperature is about 24 degree Celsius this feels hot to the worker coming into the building from the outside air. The problem can be made worse if the air movement is less. Humidity Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. The optimum comfort range for relative humidity is 40-60 per cent. Low humidity can cause dryness of the eyes, nose and throat and may also increase the frequency of static electricity shocks. Relative humidity above 80 per cent can be associated with fatigue and reports of stuffiness. If relative humidity is consistently high or low call in an air conditioning expert to conduct a review. Ventilation Ventilation refers to the movement of air and rate of fresh air input. Air movement of less than 0.1 metres per second can lead to stuffy rooms whereas above 0.2 metres per second draughts can be felt. Contaminated air Air contaminants in the office can include bacteria, viruses, mould spores and dusts, solvent vapours or chemicals generated or used in the building. Air conditioning units that do not provide adequate amounts of fresh air can cause high levels of CO2. Stale air due to poor ventilation and excessive heat build-up or humidity can also contribute to air contamination. Appropriate control measures for the reduction of air contamination include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Effective air filtration. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ensuring that adequate amounts of fresh air enter the building. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintenance of air conditioning units, including regular cleaning. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Preventing the obstruction of vents. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Locating equipment using solvents in areas with substantial air movement and/or installing local exhaust ventilation. Smoking Environmental tobacco smoke is an indoor contaminant and there is growing recognition that non-smokers may suffer adverse health effects through inhaling tobacco smoke. Organisations are increasingly expected to limit passive smoking risks in offices in the interest of their employees and clients. A number of employers have fulfilled their legal obligations to provide a safe and healthy work environment by implementing no-smoking policies in their workplaces. Procedures such as consultation, education programs and the allocation of designated smoking areas are recommended for the development of an effective no-smoking policy. Plants in the office United States NASA studies have shown that plants reduce the levels of toxic substances such as formaldehyde, benzol and carbon monoxide in the air. Lighting The basic requirements for adequate lighting are that the work must be easy to see and the light comfortable to the eyes. Illumination is measured in units of LUX lumens per square metre. Sharp differences in illumination between adjacent areas should be avoided. Ideally the surrounding area should be slightly lower in luminance than the task area itself, except in special cases such as viewing outlines against a luminous background. Light should fall from the side rather than from the front to avoid reflections on the work surface. Glare causes visual discomfort and is usually caused by light sources which are too bright or inadequately shielded. Safety in the office Most office accidents result from slips, trips and falls, lifting objects, punctures or cuts and being caught in or between things. Slips are caused by slippery floors, uncleaned spillages or gripless shoes. Trips occur over objects lying on the ground or jutting out into aisles or poorly maintained floor surfaces. Falls can be from ladders or from standing on chairs to reach an object. Many of these accidents can be avoided by simple planning and good housekeeping: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Traffic ways and aisles should be well lit, and be kept clear of materials, equipment, rubbish and electric leads. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Floors should be level and the use of mats discouraged. Spilled liquids and anything else dropped on the floor should be immediately picked up or cleaned away. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Free standing fittings should be completely stable or secured to the wall or floor. Filing cabinets should be placed so that they do not open into aisles and should never be left with cabinet drawers open. For stability load cabinets starting from the bottom and do not open more than one drawer at a time. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Office machines and equipment should be kept in good working order. Equipment using hand-fed processes such as electric staplers and paper guillotines should be guarded and staff trained in their proper use. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Many pieces of equipment using electricity can mean trailing cables, overloaded circuits, broken plugs and sockets. Ensure that these dangers are seen to by qualified personnel. Escalators and moving walkways Escalators and moving walkways should function safely, be equipped with any necessary safety devices, and be fitted with one or more emergency stop controls which are easily identifiable and readily accessible. Manual handling Manual handling is a term used to describe everyday type activities such as carrying, stacking, pushing, pulling, rolling, sliding, lifting or lowering loads. For office workers this can include tasks such as moving boxes of stores, filing, getting equipment from cupboards and filling the photocopying machine with paper. Injuries that are a result of a manual handling incident include twisted ankles, sprains and strains, torn ligaments or broken bones. Many risks arising from manual handling can be controlled by quite simple solutions. Reducing manual handling injuries Stage 1: Risk identification Where are the manual handling injuries happening in the office? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Look at injury records. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Talk to employees and the workplace OHS committee. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Watch the work in progress. Stage 2: Risk assessment What is causing these manual handling injuries? Look at: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Force applied à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Actions and movements à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Range of weights à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ How often, and for how long the job is done à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Where the load is positioned and how far it has to be moved à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Availability of mechanical aids à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Layout and condition of the work environment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Work organization à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Position of the body while working à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analysis of injury statistics à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Age of the workers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Skill and experience of the workers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Nature of the object handled à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Any other factor considered relevant. Stage 3: Risk control What changes can be made to prevent these manual handlinginjuries? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Redesign the job à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide mechanical handling equipment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide training in manual handling skills Once this process has occurred it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes that have been made. Any evaluation must assess whether the changes are used correctly, help reduce manual handling injuries and have not created new problems. Chairs and posture checklist for keyboard workers Well adjusted chairs improve body position and blood circulation, reduce muscular effort and decrease pressure on the workers back. Chairs should swivel, have five wheels for stability, breathable fabric on the seat, a rounded front edge and have adjustable seat height and backrest for lumbar support. Lighting for VDUs Place VDUs to the side of the light source(s), not directly underneath. Try to site desks between rows of lights. If the lighting is fluorescent strip lighting, the sides of the desks should be parallel with the lights. Try not to put the screen near a window. If it is unavoidable ensure that neither the screen nor the operator faces the window. If the VDU is well away from windows, there are no other sources of bright light and prolonged desk-work is the norm, use a low level of service. Using a mouse A well designed mouse should not cause undue pressure on the wrist and forearm muscles. A large bulky mouse may keep the wrist continuously bent at an uncomfortable angle. Pressure can be reduced by releasing the mouse at frequent intervals, by selecting a slim-line, low-profile mouse and by using the mouse at a comfortable distance from the body. Rest breaks and keyboard work Frequent short breaks are most effective in relieving the strain associated with keyboard work. For reasonably sustained keying activity a break should be taken for a few minutes every half hour. During this break operators should walk around and perform whatever movement relieves the feeling of muscle fatigue. Movements that are a natural response to fatigued muscles such as shrugging the shoulders are generally the most effective in dealing with the fatigue. A particularly useful method of relieving muscle fatigue is to occasionally alter posture. That is, to change from the recommended posture for short duration. Some chairs have a forward tilt control that allows the worker to sit forward which can sometimes help to reduce fatigue to the muscles of the forearm, neck and shoulders. Eye strain Working with VDUs can produce tired and sore eyes and eye strain. To reduce strain take short rests and look into the middle distance or if necessary close the eyes and cover them with the hands without pressing and breathe deeply eight or nine times. Muscle care and preparation The following exercise should be done before commencing work and after lunch breaks. However it is important to: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Never stretch to the point where pain is experienced. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Refrain from doing these exercises if you have a medical condition that could be made worse by stretching. Welfare Sanitary conveniences and washing facilities Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences and washing facilities should be provided at readily accessible places. They and the rooms containing them should be kept clean and be adequately ventilated and lit. Washing facilities should have running hot and cold or warm water, soap and clean towels or other means of cleaning or drying. If required by the type of work, showers should also be provided. Men and women should have separate facilities unless each facility is in a separate room with a lockable door and is for use by only one person at a time. Drinking water An adequate supply of high-quality drinking water, with an upward drinking jet or suitable cups, should be provided. Water should only be provided in refillable enclosed containers where it cannot be obtained directly from a mains supply. The containers should be refilled at least daily (unless they are chilled water dispensers where the containers are returned to the supplier for refilling). Bottled water/water dispensing systems may still be provided as a secondary source of drinking water. Drinking water does not have to be marked unless there is a significant risk of people drinking non-drinking water. Accommodation for clothing and facilities for changing Adequate, suitable and secure space should be provided to store workers own clothing and special clothing. As far as is reasonably practicable the facilities should allow for drying clothing. Changing facilities should also be provided for workers who change into special work clothing. The facilities should be readily accessible from workrooms and washing and eating facilities, and should ensure the privacy of the user, be of sufficient capacity, and be provided with seating. Facilities for rest and to eat meals Suitable and sufficient, readily accessible rest facilities should be provided. Seats should be provided for workers to use during breaks. These should be in a place where personal protective equipment need not be worn. Rest areas or rooms should be large enough and have sufficient seats with backrests and tables for the number of workers likely to use them at any one time, including suitable access and seating which is adequate for the number of disabled people at work. Where workers regularly eat meals at work, suitable and sufficient facilities should be provided for the purpose. Such facilities should also be provided where food would otherwise be likely to be contaminated. Work areas can be counted as rest areas and as eating facilities, provided they are adequately clean and there is a suitable surface on which to place food. Where provided, eating facilities should include a facility for preparing or obtaining a hot drink. Where hot food cannot be obtained in or reasonably near to the workplace, workers may need to be provided with a means for heating their own food (eg microwave oven). Canteens or restaurants may be used as rest facilities provided there is no obligation to purchase food. Suitable rest facilities should be provided for pregnant women and nursing mothers. They should be near to sanitary facilities and, where necessary, include the facility to lie down.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
1. What controls the Nanowire diameter ? Seed particle size / volume can be considered as a major factor controlling the Nanowire growth in conjunction with super saturation which is considered as a major factor controlling the Nanowire growth. Seed particle in most of the cases is a catalyst, e.g. Au. Sung Keun Lim et al [3] related mathematically the Nanowire diameter with the volume of seed particle and parameter beta (ÃŽ ²) which is the Particle-Nanowire contact angle. These authors [3] made use of two different precursors (group III and group V) : one soluble in the seed and other insoluble in the seed particle which in this case is Au. They proposed a mechanics that controls the Nanowire diameter and this mechanism is based on the diffusion (or more precisely dissolution) of the soluble precursor in to the seed particle and further reaction with the insoluble precursor If we operate at the steady state in such case Nanowire diameter remains constant because the rate of injection of soluble precursor into the seed and rate of further reaction with insoluble precursor are exactly t...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Best Pieces of Legeslation,The Servicemen’s Act of 1944
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 is considered one of the best pieces of legislation to emerge from the Second World War (White). This Act, known as the GI Bill, was signed into law on June 22, 1944, and has through the decades had a profound effect on American society (White). For example, more than 21 million veterans have received educational benefits and some 14 million have been able to purchase homes through the home-loan program (White). Sixty years later, the GI Bill is still a major source of veteran benefits and an attractive inducement for enlistments (White). The World War II veterans were a generation that had grown up during the Depression Era, many living in tenement apartments and cold-water flats, or on rural farming communities and small towns (Mettler). Most of this generation expected to enter the same type of work as their fathers, however the GI Bill allowed them a remarkable opportunity to gain an education and the means to own their own home (Mettler). Some became teachers, electricians, engineers, college professors, physicians, scientists, and dentists (Mettler). This Bill literally changed the future of an entire generation (Mettler). Moreover, the GI Bill fueled the development of the middle class and revitalized American democracy, as many veterans joined fraternal groups and community organizations and became involved in postwar era politics (Mettler). The GI Bill was the most far-reaching item of veterans' legislation that has been passed in the history of the United States, allowing low interest rates, and low or no down payment for homes and farms, in addition to low-interest loads for high education (Baby). The United States had endured the era of the Great Depression and the Dust Bow, thus the World War II veterans were a generation that had been hardened by poverty, and many deprived of home and job security (Baby). The GI Bill allowed them to achieve the American Dream (Baby). Many of these veterans returned home from the Warm married and started families, began and finished their education, bought their first homes and secured employment (Baby). The GI Bill created a mass move to the suburbs, where veterans found suitable housing in the new tracts that sprawled on the outskirts of major cities (Baby). This postwar suburban housing boom began in a â€Å"planned community†called Levittown (Baby). â€Å"Levittowns are located in rural New York and Pennsylvania,†and are named after developer William J. Levitt, who constructed the communities with â€Å"prefabricated units and mass production techniques, beginning in 1947†(Baby). Soon large-scale, planned communities and housing tracts were being built throughout the United States, filled with young couples giving birth to a new generation, the Baby Boomers (Baby). Eventually, these suburban tracts were surrounded by new schools, strip malls and businesses, and became new communities and new townships (Baby). Farm and ranch land became seas of similar-looking homes, a trend that continues today (Baby).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Crime and Cjus285-1302a-01 Juvenile Delinquency
Colorado Technical University Online CJUS285-1302A-01 Juvenile Delinquency Phase 1- Individual Project Professor Grace Mickles Obaid Rahman April 15, 2013 There are many advantages of the taxpayer and the juveniles to split the juvenile courts into two sections because it will benefit taxpayer and juveniles by splitting into sections. By doing that status offenders will get more help and treat as a minor crime offender, which they don’t in a joint section.Status offenders are treated unfairly, and don’t get the punishment what they are committed too, there is a need for splitting a juvenile court into two sections. The advantages of splitting will help status offenders to be treated fairly according to their offences. Other advantage toward splitting courts will increase the ability of juvenile courts to punished young offenders, and this will benefit to taxpayers because the punishment will determined offenders and will reduced cases of young kids and help them to pay less for juveniles cases.Juvenile delinquent court and status offender court will benefits juveniles because it will make it possible for the juvenile courts to differentiate between major and minor crimes. The process will be more efficient and juveniles will get more proper response from specific courts. I think the higher court judges rule and appoint the judges who work for juvenile courts, who can handle all the juvenile cases and separated those cases by category and according to crime charges.Juvenile’s delinquency cases are those cases which juveniles violated a law or a serious crime which done by juveniles. In other hand the young offenders who charge with the offence but cannot be classified as criminal violation offence that can only be applied to children, which is why rehabilitation program is must for those kids who can turn back to their normal life. There should be a specific program for those parents who have or had their children in criminal activity, in or der to teach their kids right path and stop them to commit crime or break law.The percentage of Juvenile offenders who arrested first time in their life and never been arrested again are more higher then the juvenile who committed repeat crimes, means if the department can detain children first time and warn them, have more chances to keep them away from future crimes, rather then put them into jail and sentence them like adult will turns out into criminal in future.By splitting juvenile court into two sections will disadvantage in effectiveness of the two sections will depend on the implementation of the courts. It will also take taxpayers into financial problem and poor services. It will also increase the number of staff and the burden will be on taxpayers. It will also disadvantages to those offender who commit a serious crime, will be subjected more sphere courts then those who attend status offender courts.There are many advantages by comparing to disadvantages by splitting juv enile court will benefit to those young offender who commits minor crime and able to get back in their normal life with taking some detention or rehabilitation program. References Minor Crime Is a Major Ordeal (2007), retrieved from (http://criminal. findlaw. com/juvenile-justice/minor-crime-is-a-major-ordeal. html) Juvenile Court by Kathleen Michon, retrieved from (http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/juvenile-court-overview-32222. html)
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